Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials Serial Key

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Active4 years ago

I have legitimate copies of Visual Studio 2008 installed on several computers, each with different license keys. I cannot remember what key was used on each install.

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Where in the registry can I find what license key was used for that PC's Visual Studio 2008 installation?

I would imagine that it is in the registry somewhere.


Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials Serial Key Replacement

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5 Answers

just run your computer and then type the word 'regedit'you'll find the four basic HKLM but i thin k just use this :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration2000.0x0000PIDKEY on my PC. not sure but just try because some of this working.

If you are using Win7, then try HKLMSoftwareWow6432NodeMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration2000.0x0000PIDKEY

Jorenda TabocoJorenda Taboco

A couple of options listed here:

Magical Jelly is the best product key finder for Windows. It’s free and portable, hence you can use it without installation or modifying the Windows registry. It can be used to extract the product keys of paid software like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Photoshop etc.


WinkeyFinder is another great program to find the CD keys of installed software as well as the operating system. You can use this program to

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  • Find product keys of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2003, Windows 98 and Windows ME editions
  • Find serial keys of Microsoft Office 2000, 2003 and Microsoft 2007.
  • Change or copy the volume serial number.
  • View .NET key.

Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials

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You could try ProduKey from NirSoft. Its an app for listing Microsoft licence keys, however I don't think it'll work if your copy of Visual Studio was pre-pidded, i.e. it came from say an MSDN account.

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If you go into regedit and browse to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0Registration.

The Product Key can be found in the ProductID Registry Key.

Hope that helps!

Microsoft Visual Studio Dev Essentials Serial Key Code


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I've had positive experiences with Belarc Advisor It gives out a neat list of software installed on your pc with Keys and I generally archive this on a secure cloud so even if My pc crashes, I can still get a registered copy of all the software installed.

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Today its even possible to have the entire image of your installation archived so that You get a clean PC with the set of licenses refreshed on installed anytime you want one!

DL NarasimhanDL Narasimhan

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